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1. PowerPlay Arena(“PPA”)會費為港幣二十元正,成功開辦後將同時存入10個電子代幣。
2. 每人只限登記一個會籍。
3. 會員卡内存放之電子代幣﹑贈金及彩票有效期為存入當日起計一年,有效期過後之電子代幣﹑贈金及彩票亦隨即被註銷而不作任何事先通知。
4. 申請人必須親臨店舖申請會籍,並出示個人身份證明文件以作核實。
5. 如申請人為十一歲或以下之兒童,必須由成年監護人陪同,並以監護人之身份證明文件作稽核。
6. 為保障會員之利益,會員在使用任何服務時,PPA職員可要求會員出示身份證明文件作稽核。如會員拒絕或未能提供相關文件,PPA有權拒絕提供服務。
7. 申請人必須確保所有登記資料皆全屬真實、正確和完整,並沒有任何誤導或欺詐成份。
8. 如申請人提供之個人資料有任何錯誤,PPA有權拒絕申請或即時凍結相關會籍。
9. 會員卡及所有會員優惠均不得轉讓他人使用。
10. 會員的所有資料包括個人資料、電子代幣﹑贈金及彩票記錄一概以PPA之電腦記錄為準。
11. 會員卡內之電子代幣﹑贈金及彩票均不可兌換現金。
12. PPA不會向會員發出任何書面結存記錄。
13. 會員卡如被塗改、損毀或遺失,該卡將被視為失效;會員需通知PPA申請補發新卡及繳交港幣二十元正行政費。
14. 如遺失會員卡,會員需即時通知PPA凍結其賬戶。在成功凍結賬戶前,PPA恕不負責任何損失。
15. 會員每次購買電子代幣時,須清楚核對收據上之資料是否準確,確認購買後PPA恕不退款。
16. 換領禮品時,請核對及檢查相關禮品。成功換領並扣除彩票後,恕不接受更改。
17. 換領禮品時,不可分別使用或合併兩張或以上會員卡之彩票作兌換。
18. PPA概不承擔任何未能成功傳送的手機短訊、推送通知或電郵之責任。
19. 若因郵遞遺失、延誤或會員未能提供正確地址,而引致錯失任何推廣優惠,PPA一概不予補發。
20. PPA有權於營業時間內進行系統更新及關閉系統而不作另行通知。
21. 不論任何原因,PPA均不會補回任何電子代幣﹑贈金及彩票,包括系統更新或任何遊戲機系統故障。
22. 會員若違反任何守則,PPA有權即時取消其會籍,已存入之電子代幣﹑贈金及彩票將不獲發還。
23. PPA保留更改所有遊戲規則、價錢、電子代幣﹑贈金﹑彩票、會員守則以及其他優惠之權利而不作另行通知。
24. 如有任何爭議,PPA保留最終決定權。
25. 中英文版本如有歧異,一概以英文版本為準。會員可於本公司網站www.pp-arena.com查閱最新版本。

Terms and Conditions:
1. The Membership fee of PowerPlay Arena(“PPA”)membership card is HK$20. 10 E-token will be deposited at the same time.
2. Each person can only register one membership account.
3. All E-token, bonuses and tickets in membership card are valid for one year from the date of deposit. All E-token, bonuses and tickets deposited will be expired without any prior notice at the same time.
4. Membership applicants must complete and sign the application form in person at PPA. Identification documents must be presented for verification.
5. Applicants of age 11 or below must register their membership with their guardians’ identification documents.
6. To protect the member’s interest, PPA staff may request any member to present their identification documents for verification. PPA reserves the rights to reject provision of any services if the member refuses or is unable to present relevant documents.
7. Applicants must ensure all information provided is true, accurate, complete, without any misleading or fraudulent information.
8. PPA reserves the right to reject application or immediately freeze membership upon receiving any misleading or fraudulent information.
9. Membership card and privilege are non-transferable.
10. All membership information as recorded in PPA’s membership system, including personal data, E-token bonuses and tickets shall prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.
11. All E-token, bonuses and tickets are non-refundable.
12. PPA will not print any transaction record to members.
13. Members should report to PPA if their membership card are damaged, lost or altered. An administration fee HK$20 will be charged for replacement and the original card will be voided.
14. Please report to PPA immediately in case the membership card is lost. PPA will not be liable for any loss arising from improper or unauthorized use of lost membership card.
15. Members should check the receipts for every transaction. All confirmed transactions are non-refundable.
16. Members should check and verify any prize or gift redemption. No return allowed for redeemed prize and tickets.
17. Members cannot combine the tickets from more than one membership card for redemption.
18. PPA shall bear no liability for any undelivered message or promotion offers due to technical error.
19. PPA will not be responsible for any loss due to postal delay or delivery failure to incorrect postal address.
20. PPA may renew or suspend the gaming system during operating hours without prior notice.
21. PPA should bear no liability for any loss of E-token, bonuses and tickets due to system or gaming machine maintenance.
22. Membership will be disabled immediately upon any violation of regulations, and the E-token, bonuses and tickets paid will be seized.
23. PPA reserves the rights to amend any game rules, pricing, prizes, membership regulations, offers and benefits without prior notice.
24. PPA’s decision shall be final in case of any dispute arising from the above terms and condition.
25. The English version of the above terms and conditions shall prevail to the extent of the inconsistency of the Chinese version. For the latest version, please refer to our website

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